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Informatics Engineering (Evening Classes)

Acreditado por: Acreditado preliminarmente ano(s) em

Consultar relatórios em www.a3es.pt

523 - Electrónica e automação
Número: R/A-Ef-823/2011
N.º Despacho/Portaria: Despacho nº 12307/2010 (2ª Série)
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Algorithm Analysis and Optimization Summer Semester
Multi-Paradigm Programming Summer Semester
Software Engineering I Summer Semester
Computer Security Fundamentals Summer Semester
Networks Security Summer Semester
Human-Machine Interaction Summer Semester
Web Programming Summer Semester
Structured Processing of Information Summer Semester
Software Project Management Summer Semester
Computer Networks Summer Semester
Mobile Computing Summer Semester
Option III Summer Semester
Mobile Communications Summer Semester
Services and Multimedia Systems Security Summer Semester
Option IV Summer Semester
Modelling and Simulation of Processes Summer Semester
Supply Chain and Distribution Systems Summer Semester
Enterprise Integration Summer Semester
Security Analysis of Communication Protocols Summer Semester
Advanced Search Methods Summer Semester
Intelligent Robotics Summer Semester
Communication Networks Simulation Summer Semester
Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Summer Semester
Semantic Web Summer Semester
Decision Support Methods Summer Semester
Forensic Technics for Computers and Networks Summer Semester
Business Intelligence Summer Semester
Data Warehousin Summer Semester
Information Systems Security Summer Semester
Intelligent Systems Winter Semester
Traffic Engineering Winter Semester
Distributed Systems Winter Semester
Information Systems Winter Semester
Operating Systems and Parallel Computing Winter Semester
Advanced Project Management Winter Semester
Forensic Techniques for Computers and Networks Winter Semester
Software Engineering II Winter Semester
Option II Winter Semester
Human-Computer Interaction and Multimedia Systems Winter Semester
Information Security Management System I Winter Semester
Computer Systems Administration Winter Semester
Web Engineering Winter Semester
Advanced IP Networks Winter Semester
Software Development Laboratory Winter Semester
Modelling and Simulation Winter Semester
Option I Winter Semester
Multimedia Systems and Services Winter Semester
Network and Computer Security Fundamentals Winter Semester
Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design Winter Semester
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Winter Semester
Distributed and Cloud Computing Winter Semester
Information Systems Project Winter Semester
Knowledge Based Systems Winter Semester
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Dissertation/Project Annual
Secure Programming Winter Semester
Fundamentals of Law Winter Semester
European Law Winter Semester
Option V Winter Semester
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Winter Semester
Leadership and Team Management Winter Semester
RDI Management Winter Semester
Organization and Administration of Companies Winter Semester
Human Resources Winter Semester

Combined Shape
