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Pós Graduação em Homeopatia

Complementary and/or Alternative Medicines have become very popular, not only among health product consumers and patients, but also among health professionals. The Law n. 71/2013, published on ...

Complementary and/or Alternative Medicines have become very popular, not only among health product consumers and patients, but also among health professionals. The Law n. 71/2013, published on September 2nd 2013, which overrides the Law n. 45/2003 of August 22nd regarding the professional application of unconventional therapies, reinforces the need of venturing in new areas such as Homeopathy, training professionals with adequate skills and knowledge.

The Post-graduation in Homeopathy aims to:

• Recognize the applications and benefits of Homeopathy;

• Identify and apply the theoretical foundations of Homeopathy, as well as its basic principles, in clinical practice;

• Apply the Homeopathic Materia Medica and the good practices to the production of homeopathic products;

• Adapt the homeopathic practice to several pathological conditions.


Acreditado por: Acreditado preliminarmente ano(s)

Consultar relatórios em www.a3es.pt

1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
H.clínica: Aparelho Respiratório, Dermatoses e Ap.músculo-esquelético Summer Semester
Homeopatia Clínica: Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Pediatria Summer Semester
Metodologias de Investigação e Projeto Summer Semester
Homeopatia Clínica: Veterinária Summer Semester
Homeopatia Clínica: Aparelho Digestivo, Sistema Endócrino Summer Semester
H.clínica: Ap.sist.nervoso/distúrb.psicossomáticos, Ap.geniturinário Summer Semester
Nutrition and Dietetics Winter Semester
Monografias das Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais Winter Semester
Fundamentos, Princípios, Bases Técnicas da Homeopatia e Matéria Médica Winter Semester
Terreno Individual: Constituição, Temperamento, Diáteses Winter Semester
Instalações P/ Prod. e Comer. de Plantas Medicinais/produtos O.natural Winter Semester
Qualidade, Eficácia e Segurança dos Produtos de Origem Natural Winter Semester
Manipulação Homeopática Winter Semester
Legislação e Estudos Regulamentares de Produtos Naturais Winter Semester
Sais Bioquímicos e Homotoxicologia Winter Semester
not applicable

Target Audience

• Students and Health Professionals

• Other professionals working in the field of Alternative Medicines.

Combined Shape
