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Inclusion: A Universal Policy in Search of Evidence



13 > 13.06.2018 · 09:00 > 20:00


Escola Superior de Educação

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O Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação – inED convida toda a comunidade académica a assistir a conferência a realizar na ESE no próximo dia 13 de junho de 2018, que contará com a presença do Dr. Rune J. Simeonsson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, EUA).

Although there is an expanding literature on inclusion, much of it consists of general descriptions of practice and studies on teacher attitudes and perceptions on children served in inclusive settings. There is very limited research investigating characteristics and experiences of included children and the environmental dimensions of inclusive settings.  Of particular concern is the lack of studies documenting implementation of inclusion and its effectiveness as intervention policy. With continued growth of inclusion, there is a need to examine issues universal across countries that form intervention policy to address children’s rights to access environments for integration and participation with peers. To that end, this presentation will provide an overview of universal issues facing the implementation of inclusive policy. Specifically, these issues will be defined by findings from practice and research on inclusion using the following questions as a framework for review:

1. What defines inclusive policy?

2. What are the assumptions forming the basis for inclusive policy?

3. What are elements of inclusive environments?

4. Who are included children?

5. How has inclusive policy been implemented?

6. What evidence is there for the effectiveness of inclusion?

7. What should be priorities for advancing inclusion as universal policy for intervention and education of children at risk and with disabilities?






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